Our Founder

Hailing from Chapel Hill North Carolina, Seif is a world-class designer and brand engineer who has dedicated his life to helping business owners craft brands that dominate their market and leave immortal legacies. He has experience working with small brands, non-profits, and multi-million dollar businesses.

Seif’s story started the moment he first picked up a pencil and paper and started creating. His journey towards brand engineering started when he was 8 years old. He started out as a budding designer creating his own logos, storyboarding movies of my imagination, creating prototypes of video games, wireframes, UI/UX diagrams, and even designing cars in his sketchbooks during school hours.

Once he was 11 years old, he paid very close attention to how brands that were his inspiration like Apple, Ferrari, and Lamborghini developed their brands and evolved over time.

From changes to their marketing, story, websites, and tone, he paid very close attention to how those aspects changed and even how others reacted and felt about those changes.

It was during this phase in his life that he fell in love with the art of branding and creating worlds of his own.

At the age of 16, he would start his first business then multiple other ventures where he would get hands-on experience in helping businesses build their brand and use all the data he compiled in his younger years.

Fast-forward to today, Seif decided realized that there are other founders, teams, and businesses that want to leave their mark on the world.

They seek to change the world and build something bigger than themselves, and for that very reason, he created Chidori.

From starting his first company then up to now: he realized that his purpose is to build powerful brands that last for centuries - exactly what his 8-year-old self wanted to do.

But this is where our backstory ends and your story with us begins. We look forward to learning about you as a founder, a team, a brand, and ultimately - your vision.

Let’s get on a call and make something bigger than us. Cheers.